Execute schematics-cli from oclif
Schematics is a one of the famous generator tool. It’s using in Angular / NestJS / and any other big pro […]
Schematics is a one of the famous generator tool. It’s using in Angular / NestJS / and any other big project.
If we want to create CLI tool with generator, we want to use Schematics within.
So, in this posts, I try to execute schematics generator from CLI tool.
Step1: Setup CLI project by oclif
First, setup the example CLI project.
Today, I used oclif.
$ npx oclif single schematics-cli
$ cd schematics-cli
After the setting up, we can see the default message to execute the following command.
$ ./bin/run
hello world from ./src/index.ts
Step2: Install schematics-cli
Next, install schematics cli library.
We’ll execute the schematics by using it.
$ yarn add @angular-devkit/schematics-cli
Step3: Add schematics project
In this post, use NestJS project
$ yarn add @nestjs/schematics
Of course, we can use own schematics or local schematics.
Execute schematics-cli from oclif
The generating process starts from the main() function in the CLI library.
So the following code is calling the function directly.
import {Command} from '@oclif/command'
import {
} from "@angular-devkit/schematics-cli/bin/schematics"
class SchematicsCli extends Command {
static description = 'describe the command here'
async run() {
await main({
args: [
export = SchematicsCli
The function property is the same as the schematics CLI args.
Finally, execute CLI command made by oclif.
We can get a new class file for NestJS.
% ./bin/run
CREATE src/hello-oclif.interface.ts (31 bytes)
$ cat ./src/hello-oclif.interface.ts
export interface HelloOclif {}
We can easy to execute schematics-cli task from own script.
So if we want to create own CLI tools with any generator, we can use Schematics.
[Appendix] Execute public schematics from schematics-cli
Almost schematics project can use from their own CLI tools, like angular-cli / nest-cli / etc.
But we can use these schematics from schematics-cli
$ npm init -y
$ npm i -D @angular-devkit/schematics-cli
$ npm i -S @nestjs/schematics
$ ./node_modules/.bin/schematics @nestjs/schematics:interface --name test
CREATE src/test.interface.ts (25 bytes)