Run WordPress/phpunit-test-runner on AMIMOTO as local

This is my note for trying to run on AMIMOTO as local Prepare […]



    This is my note for trying to run on AMIMOTO as local


    Launch AMIMOTO AMI at first.

    Prepare source code

    Download and prepare the phpunit-test-runner source codes.

    $ git clone
    $ cd phpunit-test-runner

    You need to configure some environment variables.
    There are many variable to run test in CI or reports the test result.
    So, I wrote some variables just running for the test .

    $ cp .env.default .env
    $ vim .env
    # Path to the directory where files can be prepared before being delivered to the environment.
    export WPT_PREPARE_DIR=/tmp/wp-test-runner
    # Path to the directory where the WordPress develop checkout can be placed and tests can be run.
    # When running tests in the same environment, set WPT_TEST_DIR to WPT_PREPARE_DIR
    export WPT_TEST_DIR=/tmp/wp-test-runner
    # Credentials for a database that can be written to and reset.
    # WARNING!!! This database will be destroyed between tests. Only use safe database credentials.
    export WPT_DB_NAME={InstanceID}
    export WPT_DB_USER=wp_b8cm5ffbihc92
    export WPT_DB_HOST=localhost

    The parameters like WPT_DB_*** can check by following commands.

    $ sudo cat /opt/local/{InstanceID}.json | jq ".wordpress.db"
      "db_name": "{InstanceID}",
      "user_name": "wp_b8cm5ffbihc92",
      "password": "XXXXXXXXx",
      "host": "localhost"

    And finally, load your variables into scope.

    $ source .env


    Download test WordPress and set up by php prepare.php commands.

    $ php prepare.php
    cd '/tmp/wp-test-runner/tests/phpunit/data/plugins/'; unzip; rm
       creating: wordpress-importer/
       creating: wordpress-importer/languages/
      inflating: wordpress-importer/languages/wordpress-importer.pot  
      inflating: wordpress-importer/parsers.php  
      inflating: wordpress-importer/readme.txt  
      inflating: wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php  
    Replacing variables in wp-tests-config.php
    Success: Prepared environment.

    All source code will be deployed at WPT_PREPARE_DIR.

    If you have some trouble, you can retry after run rm -rf ${WPT_PREPARE_DIR}

    Running unit test

    After run php prepare.php, you can run PHPUnit by php test.php

    $ php test.php
    Environment variables pass checks.
    cd '/tmp/wp-test-runner'; php phpunit.phar
    sh: gs: command not found
    sh: convert: command not found
    sh: gs: command not found
    sh: convert: command not found
    Running as single site... To run multisite, use -c tests/phpunit/multisite.xml
    Not running ajax tests. To execute these, use --group ajax.
    Not running ms-files tests. To execute these, use --group ms-files.
    Not running external-http tests. To execute these, use --group external-http.
    PHPUnit 5.7.21 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    .............................................................   61 / 8046 (  0%)
    .............................................................  122 / 8046 (  1%)
    .............................................................  183 / 8046 (  2%)
    .............................................................  244 / 8046 (  3%)
    .............................................................  305 / 8046 (  3%)
    .............................................................  366 / 8046 (  4%)
    .............................................................  427 / 8046 (  5%)
    .............................................................  488 / 8046 (  6%)
    .............................................................  549 / 8046 (  6%)
    .............................................................  610 / 8046 (  7%)
    .............................................................  671 / 8046 (  8%)
    .............................................................  732 / 8046 (  9%)
    .............................................................  793 / 8046 (  9%)
    .............................................................  854 / 8046 ( 10%)
    .............................................................  915 / 8046 ( 11%)
    .............................................................  976 / 8046 ( 12%)
    ............................................................. 1037 / 8046 ( 12%)

    But unfortunately, the normal AMIMOTO has an error.

    1) Tests_oEmbed_HTTP_Headers::test_rest_pre_serve_request_headers PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: sh: gs: command not found sh: convert: command not found sh: gs: command not found sh: convert: command not found

    You should run sudo yum install ImageMagick -y and retry to run php test.php.

    $ sudo yum install ImageMagick -y
    $ php test.php
    ............................................................. 6893 / 8046 ( 85%)
    ............................................................. 6954 / 8046 ( 86%)
    ............................................................. 7015 / 8046 ( 87%)
    ............................................................. 7076 / 8046 ( 87%)
    ............................................................. 7137 / 8046 ( 88%)
    ............................................................. 7198 / 8046 ( 89%)
    ............................................................. 7259 / 8046 ( 90%)
    ............................................................. 7320 / 8046 ( 90%)
    ............................................................. 7381 / 8046 ( 91%)
    ............................................................. 7442 / 8046 ( 92%)
    ............................................................. 7503 / 8046 ( 93%)
    ............................................................. 7564 / 8046 ( 94%)
    ............................................................. 7625 / 8046 ( 94%)
    ............................................................. 7686 / 8046 ( 95%)
    ............................................................. 7747 / 8046 ( 96%)
    ............................................................. 7808 / 8046 ( 97%)
    ............................................................. 7869 / 8046 ( 97%)
    ............................................................. 7930 / 8046 ( 98%)
    ............................................................. 7991 / 8046 ( 99%)
    ........................................SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS       8046 / 8046 (100%)
    You should really fix these slow tests (>150ms)...
     1. 673ms to run Tests_WP_Site_Icon:test_insert_cropped_attachment
     2. 556ms to run WP_Test_REST_Users_Controller:test_get_items_pagination_headers
     3. 407ms to run Tests_Media:test_wp_calculate_image_srcset_no_date_uploads
     4. 403ms to run Tests_Media:test_wp_calculate_image_srcset_no_width
     5. 377ms to run WP_Test_REST_Users_Controller:test_get_items_per_page
     6. 344ms to run Tests_WP_Site_Icon:test_create_attachment_object
     7. 317ms to run WP_Test_REST_Posts_Controller:test_get_items_pagination_headers
     8. 259ms to run WP_Test_REST_Users_Controller:test_get_additional_field_registration
     9. 245ms to run WP_Test_REST_Users_Controller:test_get_items_page
     10. 236ms to run Tests_Import_Import:test_double_import
    ...and there are 19 more above your threshold hidden from view
    Time: 1.35 minutes, Memory: 442.00MB
    OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests!
    Tests: 8046, Assertions: 34440, Skipped: 32, Risky: 8.



    Just run this command.

    $ php cleanup.php
    Environment variables pass checks.
    rm -rf '/tmp/wp-test-runner/.git'
    rm -r '/tmp/wp-test-runner'

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