Write a testing code of registration for the custom wp-cron event by using PHPUnit
We can register a single cron job by using the WordPress function named wp_schedule_single_event. But sometime […]
We can register a single cron job by using the WordPress function named wp_schedule_single_event
wp_schedule_single_event( int $timestamp, string $hook, array $args = array(), bool $wp_error = false )
But sometimes, we want to check for is the cron job truly registered.
And we can write a test code by using PHPUnit.
Simply testing example
First, we can test just a wp_schedule_single_event function.
class Cron_Test extends \WP_UnitTestCase {
function test_cron_registration() {
$hook = __FUNCTION__;
$timestamp = strtotime( '+1 hour' );
$scheduled = wp_schedule_single_event( $timestamp, $hook_name );
// Check is the job has been registered
$this->assertTrue( $scheduled );
// Check is the scheduled time is correct
$this->assertSame( strtotime( '+1 hour' ), wp_next_scheduled( $hook ) );
// It's a non-recurring event.
$this->assertFalse( wp_get_schedule( $hook ) );
Ref: https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-develop/blob/master/tests/phpunit/tests/cron.php#L39-L50
Register the cron job conditionally
If you want to register the job conditionally like the super simple example,
function testing_target_function( $timestamp, $hook_name, $flag ) {
if ( false === $flag ) {
return false;
return wp_schedule_single_event( $timestamp, $hook_name );
we can test by the following code.
class Cron_Test extends \WP_UnitTestCase
* @dataProvider provide_test_cron_registration_test_case
function test_cron_registration( $flag, $should_scheduled ) {
$hook = __FUNCTION__;
$timestamp = strtotime( '+1 hour' );
$scheduled = testing_target_function( $timestamp, $hook, $flag );
$this->assertEquals( $should_scheduled, $scheduled );
if ( $should_scheduled ) {
$this->assertSame( $timestamp, wp_next_scheduled( $hook ) );
// It's a non-recurring event.
$this->assertFalse( wp_get_schedule( $hook ) );
function provide_test_cron_registration_test_case() {
return [
[ false, false ],
[ true, true ],