AWS CDK is a great tool to define our AWS Infrastructure by code. If we using TypeScript, we can get type supp […]
Amazon Alexaask-cliask-sdk
In ASK CLI(v2), we can use specific template(Git repository) to setup your Alexa skill project. Today, I’ […]
Amazon Alexaask-cli
ASK CLI(v1) has a custom hook to deploy your skill. And ASK CLI(v2) has a similar one. Step by Step Create hoo […]
ASK CLI (version 2) is OSS, so we can request a new feature to the product owner by a Pull Request in GitHub.B […]
Capacitor is one of the good tools to create a native application.We can easy to create application for iOS / […]
When we deploy our own Alexa Skill backend by AWS CloudFormation, we got a deployment error from the CLI. We c […]
Now, ASK CLI(v2) will create a new Lambda Function that the runtime is nodejs10.x. But we can use nodejs12.x o […]
In 2020, ASK CLI version 2 has been published by Alexa team. We can manage our skill backend by using AWS Clou […]
We can easy to create your own React component library using tsdx. Setup We can create own package by tsdx cre […]
Amazon Alexaask-sdk
We can write our Alexa skill’s response by JavaScript (TypeScript). But the speech text definition is a […]